Tuesday, May 31, 2011

Week 4 Results!

Hi all! :)
Sooooo.... I had my week 4 follow up with the awesome Rebecca (WGK) today and....
*drumroll*........ here they are... My week 4 weight and measurements!
Aaahhhh!!! Lol Just kidding :P

Weight 178.4lbs (-2.6lbs)
Body fat 37.1% (-3.5%)

Chest 43" (-1")
Waist 35" (-2")
Hips 42.25" (-2.75")
Mid Thigh 25.5 (-.5")
Mid Calf 16.75" (-.25")
Bicep 13.5 (-.5")

So what does this all mean? lol
To date (day 23) I have lost 7.6lbs, 3.5% body fat and 7" ... not too shabby! :)

I'm not going to lie, understanding the science behind weight loss is very new to me. In a world where we are used to seeing drastic weekly pound loss on TV, it's difficult at first to understand why I'm not dropping 5lbs each and every week. Thank goodness I have amazing professionals in my corner to explain the finer points of my body's workings! lol
One of my greatest fears with this whole weight loss thing is the idea of loose and hanging skin :( I am completely happy with doing this the right way (diet, exercise and hard freaking work!!!) it may take a little longer but as far as I'm concerned, I could really use that time to "enjoy every minute of the journey" (direct quote from Jimmy).

I have some amazing and inspirational people guiding me through this (more about these awesome peeps later) and I figure the more I embrace each step taken in the right direction, the better the lessons are going to stick!

So... until next time!

7 inches less to hug... Crystal :) xo

Monday, May 30, 2011

Running... my new nemesis!

To date, there is no other form of cardio that disheartens me more than the dreaded...Running!

True, there was a time at the beginning of my weight loss, where walking at a 2.7mph was exhausting. As a matter of fact, in BeautyFit boot camp we sometimes head outside to my old high school and during one of these "outings" was the first time I had ever run the track there!

Don't get me wrong, I do get that I'm a work in progress. I do appreciate how far I've come thus far... it's just that this running thing really beats me up mentally.

So why? You may ask, am I even bothering? Well, I feel like the things that I find most difficult are probably the very things I'm going to learn the most from... or I'm a glutton for punishment! Lol
I will admit to, in the past, rolling my eyes and even making fun of those people who are out in the cold, rain, heat or snow running. I now find myself envying their dedication.
Yet, every time I get on the damn treadmill (2 min intervals of running and walking) I last about 30 min before I feel like I'm going to puke!
In my mind I hear the voice of Dory from Finding Nemo..."Just keep swimming, just keep swimming" so either Disney IS really motivational OR I'm hallucinating... either way, I'll take it!

So, in the meantime, I'm just going to keep plugging away at it. What do I have to lose really?!
One of two things are going are going to happen... I'm either going to become a runner or get a really great cardio workout trying :P

Thank goodness for an amazing support team... My BeautyFit family of Sandra and Jimmy, Lisa,Rebecca and Sheryl of WGK and of course Jenna and all the boot camp ladies, I know I'll get through this.

Hugs while I "just keep swimming"...I mean running (swimming is a whole other story).

-Crystal xo

Friday, May 27, 2011

"FUN" Fridays... Lisa style :s lol

So today was my very first "fun Friday" training session with Lisa (world gym Kitchener).
As I expected, Lisa is insane and definitely masochistic! lol

Today's themes were... pushing my limits and plates!
Each time Lisa gave me a new exercise to do, it was followed up with... "now hold this while doing it" so here I am doing back extentions while cradling a 10lb plate, doing crunches with a 5lb plate (small mercy :s Jeebus!!!) lol and I'm sure there were more but I've blocked them out!

Now as for pushing limits... Oy Oy Oy! I actually did 195 lb leg presses today!!! Oh ya! and not just a couple either... 2 sets of 15 thanks very much! lol I knew my "Greek column" legs would come in handy at some point! ;)

All kidding aside about how Lisa tried to kill me today... and she really did her best haha... I love when I get pushed like that because I wouldn't do it myself and frankly... I enjoy a good a$$ kicking at the gym! ;) LOL Yep... I've crossed over to the dark side bawhahahahahaha

Fun Friday hugs... Crystal xo

Thursday, May 26, 2011

Week 2 Completed!

It's amazing how the weeks are flying by! According to my 12 week journal, I don't have a weigh in til week 4 (I'll also get my measurements done again :s), so no weight update for you all this time. That being said, even though I'm just into week 3 , each week seems to be presenting me with new and different challenges. The first week was all about getting my water in (this is a hard one for me)and getting into the swing of my new nutrition plan. I didn't feel deprived of food, I was feeling good and in charge! Lol Into week 2 I am still working on my water (holy moly it's a lot of water!!!) and was even having trouble getting all of my servings in... Seriously! (I will probably end up eating those words... Since they have 0cals lol) Also, week 2 brought with it the challenge of a long weekend, which wasn't as hard as I thought it might be. I'm not really a drinker but desserts are a definite weakness :s I'm happy to report that I refrained! Yay Me!!! Lol As I'm halfway through week 3, there again (surprise, surprise) are new developments. Firstly, if I'm going to be drinking this much water and hanging in my bathroom this much... It's getting redecorated!!! Then, because of the long weekend, Tuesday was a double up day of weight training with Lisa and BeautyFit boot camp with Sandra. Needless to say, I'm sore as heck. With weights on Wednesday and Friday (Lisa calls it "Fun Friday" I'll let you know if she's crazy! Lol) plus boot camp on Thursday, I'm gearing up for some sore muscles and long baths! :P Hugs while doing the "pee pee" dance -Crystal :) xo BTW... If any of you have questions for me about my challenge, please feel free to leave a comment or email me at... Crystal@crystalizedartistry.com OR find me on facebook! :) I'll answer any questions I can right through my blog! Don't be shy :)

Wednesday, May 25, 2011

My Hot Date ; )

I would glance at him from across the gym... too afraid to approach. I can't possibly meet his expectations, he's so big and he works so hard! He hardly ever stops!
It makes me anxious to see him out of the corner of my eye.

Then, it happens! A mutual friend invites me over to make the introduction! I'm scared and nervous, what if I mess this up?!

The next thing I know... We're hitting it off! Who knew?! He's not SO scary!
We start out slow and casual, our "getting to know you" phase.

But he is sneaky with his charm... 10min into our encounter I'm sweating and hot... Dizzy and disoriented! Should I leave? Should I risk going further not knowing what might happen?! Rebecca's with me... She won't let me go too far, Right?!

I last 20min with him, my head clears and I can breathe again! That was a trip!!!
I now know his game, he plays hard but I can keep up...I'm onto him.

Until we meet again... Mr.Stairmill

Hot and bothered hugs... Crystal xo

Wednesday, May 18, 2011

Putting the "BeautyFit" in the 12 week challenge!!!

Hey Everyone!
I have had several personal messages wanting to know what this whole "BeautyFit" moniker is about?! lol
Well for those not in the know... BeautyFit is an amazing supplement (and BootCamp) company that specializes in women and OUR specific needs... Hallelujah!!!

My entire 12 week transformation challenge combines the following:

• Proper diet and nutrition w/ Rebecca from World Gym Kitchener
BeautyFit Boot Camp w/ Sandra Compton twice a week (more on boot camp at a later date)!
• Weight Training three times per week w/ Lisa of World Gym Kitchener
• Endless support from all of the above and around me! xoxo

Here is a sample of one days food journal with supplements:

6:30am - wake up, take 2 BeautyFuel with water

7:00am - breakfast: 1egg+3whites scrambled in 1/2tsp olive oil, 1/4cup oatmeal (dry measurement) with cinnamon and 1/2cup mixed berries, 1 BeautySlender with water

11:00am - 1/2cup 1% cottage cheese with 1/3cup blackberries and 1tbsp. sunflower seeds

2:45pm - 2 egg omelette with mushrooms, onions, asparagus and 1 oz. low fat cheese , 2 BeautyFuel and 1 BeautySlender with water

5:15pm - 3oz chicken breast sauteed with zucchini, mushrooms and onions in 1/2tsp o.oil, 2 BeautyCleanse with water

7-8pm BeautyFit Boot Camp

8:30pm - chocolate protein shake with a small banana and 1 tbsp ground flax seeds

9:oopm - 2 BeautyBurn PM

1o:oopm BED!!!

That's a look at a day in the life LOL I have yet to be hungry (except close to meal times or during cardio when I want to chew my own arm off!)

If you want more info on the BeautyFit line, BootCamps or the 12 week challenge go to www.beautyfit.com

Until next time....

Beauty Fit and Fuel'd Hugs... Crystal :)


Tuesday, May 17, 2011

HECK I'm sore today!!! Lol

That's right! Weight training and cardio yesterday has me stiff, sore and all ready for boot camp tonight! Lol

In the spirit of taking care of my sore muscles... I'm re posting this from my Crystalized Blog

Weak a$$ Hugs (cause I can't lift my arms to high)... Crystal :)

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I absolutely had to share this with you all, as it is fantastic after a crazy workout (BeautyFit Boot Camp hint, hint) or even a stressful day!
Made with fair trade cocoa butter and essential oils, it is silky smooth, moisturizing and has the most amazing cinnamon/peppermint smell! Just rub it on all of those overworked areas and RELAX.... Mmmmmmmm!!!

I came upon this amazing product when visiting one of my daughters (and now one of MY) favourite bath/body stores... LUSH!

For those not familiar with this amazing shop, it completely had me sold with its "mission statement"... (taken from the LUSH website)

We believe in making effective products from fresh, organic* fruit and vegetables, the finest essential oils and safe synthetics.

We invent our own products and fragrances. We make them fresh by hand using little or no preservative or packaging, using only vegetarian ingredients, and tell you when they were made.

We believe in buying ingredients only from companies that do not commission tests on animals and in testing our products on humans.

We believe in happy people making happy soap, putting our faces on our products and making our mums proud.

We believe in long candlelit baths, sharing showers, massage, filling the world with perfume and in the right to make mistakes, lose everything and start again.

We believe our products are good value, that we should make a profit and that the customer is always right.

* We also believe words like fresh and organic have honest meaning beyond marketing.

Incase you can't read the description from the photo, this is a bit of the write up from LUSH...

The spicy, tingly muscle-soothing bar with aduki beans for a deeper rub.

The Wiccy Magic Muscles Bar is the one for sorting out aching muscles. The first time you use one of these, it feels very strange, as if a very small radiator has been turned on inside the part of your body you just massaged. Mark and Ro created this one together to soothe aches and pains.

Perfect for exercise.

Once you get used to it, you'll start to run just for the pleasure of your Wiccy massage when you get home. Aduki beans work your muscles and aches as the bar is massaged into the skin and they help to break out tension.

The closest LUSH shop to me is at Stone Road Mall in Guelph but check out the LUSH

website for more locations and more beautiful products!

Happy shopping and Hugs... Crystal xo

Mmmmmm... Pancakes!!!

Hey All! :)

Not a big post today, just wanted to share this with you...

Protein Pancakes:

4 egg whites
1/3 cup dry oatmeal
1 scoop vanilla protein powder
2 tbsp. Cottage cheese (optional)

Combine all in a blender and mix til smooth. Batter will be thin.
Fry in a non stick pan with either a little olive or coconut oil (I prefer olive oil spray to prevent sticking).
These do not get fluffy they are more like crepes but so delicious!!!
I warmed up some unsweetened applesauce and cinnamon to dip them in! :D Mmmmmmm!!!

In case I forgot to properly mention before, Rebecca from World Gym Kitchener is my Nutrition counselor for my 12 week challenge!
Big thanks to her for giving me this great recipe!

Guilt free pancake hugs... Crystal :)

Saturday, May 14, 2011

Week 1 in review AND Weigh In!!!

Week 1 of the BeautyFit 12 week Transformation is DONE!

WOWZA... This has been an intense week!!!

Want to know what my training was like this week?!
Here it goes:

Monday - First weight training session with my fabulous trainer Lisa of World Gym Kitchener! She put me through an overall training assessment which I'm sure will be the easiest thing she EVER gets me to do! I adore her already :)

Tuesday - BeautyFit Boot Camp w/ Sandra Compton!
I've described this boot camp as "the hardest you'll ever work without delivering a baby at the end" and that coming from someone who has experienced natural child birth! Why? You may ask... Cause it is the absolute BEST feeling to make it to the end of that class! I prove something new to myself EVERY time, like the wicked long plank I held this week!!! Planks are WAY harder when your "front bum" is too small to help you stay up! :P

Wednesday - Weight training with Lisa! This was no "assessment" lol wall squats, walking lunges and a complete body workout! I love it when Lisa counts down and I hear "just 2 more"!!! BTW... Lisa's a runner! FOR FUN!!! Cause she LIKES IT?!?! For real! This may rub off on me... I'm scared! Lol Finished up with a 500cal burn on the elliptical in 49:01min.

Thursday - BeautyFit Boot Camp w/ Sammi!
This was a special sort of a$$ kicking that I cannot fully describe as my mind has repressed much of it! Lmao I vaguely remember a never ending training circuit, burpies and vomiting in my mouth! Ewwwww! Lol BUT... I was standing long enough to do 15min of extra cardio at the end! Our boot camp team is fantastic... That's right, we're a TEAM!!! We struggle and succeed TOGETHER!

Friday - Nutritional consult #2 and WEIGH IN!!! With Rebecca!
Rebecca (from World Gym Kitchener) is awesome! I couldn't even look at the scale... I waited for her to tell me how I did! *DRUMROLL*...... -5lbs!!! Woooohooooo! I wasn't sure if this was good enough but Rebecca was smiling so I considered that a good sign! Lol I know that this probably won't be a typical weekly loss, but its a great jump start!!!
We went over my food journal (I'll write more about that later) and my new "poker chip" method for counting my servings! I still need to work on getting my water in, this has always been a struggle for me! On the bright side, if I'm going to be spending that much time in the bathroom, its going to be redecorated!!! ;) Did 30 min (300cal) on the elliptical, I was starving and needed a shake! :P

Saturday - Burn 600cal on the Elliptical!
Why 600? Well, cause I was there with Sammi and decided to do a full hour! Lol it definitely helps when you have a cardio partner!!!

Tomorrow is my "day off" from training ONLY! My eating will stay clean and on track! :)

181 lb Hugs... Crystal xo

Small Victory #1

Hi All!

Not going to keep you long with this post... Just wanted to share with you all my "mini" victory this week! I've decided to number these "small victories" as I hope to have many more along the way!!!

For those who know me, Sushi is one of my FAVORITE foods... I'm seriously salivating at the mere thought of a well executed Spicy crispy salmon roll! Mmmmmmm....

Anyhoo... I'm very proud to announce that I turned down an invitation to go for sushi! YAY Me!!!
Was it hard, yes! Was it worth not going... Absolutely!!! I'm not strong enough to be near a salmon roll without becoming all gluttonous! :P

Thanks for stopping by!

Sushi free Hugs... Crystal xo

Inches and pounds and fat... OH MY!!!

Hi everyone!

I can't believe what an amazing response I've had from you all about my 12 week challenge! Thank you all for your words of encouragement!!! :D

Since I introduced myself in my first blog and posted a pic of my 239lb self Lol... I thought I should post an updated pic for you! :)

Part of any weight journey entails the dreaded....... MEASUREMENTS!!!
AHhhhhhhhh!!! Thank goodness for the beautiful Rebecca from World Gym Kitchener, she made me feel so very comfortable with zero judgment!!!

So, before I chicken out... Here are all my stats! Lol

Chest - 44in (yep they're big, let's hope they don't turn into empty tube socks!)

Waist - 37in (no comment)

Hips - 45in (oh lord!!! :( mind you my "front bum" as I so lovingly refer to it has gotten smaller! My hips did measure 61" at my 239 weight!!! Just FYI... I'm 60" tall!!! YIKES :s)

Mid Thigh - 26in

Mid Calf - 17in

Bicep - 14in

And again, starting weight 186lbs
Body Fat 40.6% (see, I'm full of fat not s@*#!!!) Hahaha just kidding!
Seriously, I just need to laugh at this body fat thing cause otherwise I'll just cry at the thought of it!

So now you're all up to date with where I've started my challenge!

Let's do this!!!

Hugs (front bum and all)... Crystal xo

Wednesday, May 11, 2011

Welcome... Let's get caught up!

Hello All! :)

Firstly... Welcome to my BeautyFit Transformation blog!

Second... Thank you to any and all that drop by to read about my personal journey to a healthier lifestyle and body. I hope you will stop in often to check on my progress and maybe find something that will help YOU in your personal journey (whatever that may be!).

I thought it might be good to get you all caught up to date with a little background information...

My "story" is not a unique one, millions just like me have struggled with weight and self esteem issues.
I was always (except for a brief "no eating" stage in high school) a larger person. I was a chubby child and as I got older I was never the "thin" friend.
Being a larger person led to being a morbidly obese ( 241 lbs at 5 ft tall to be exact :s ) 33 yr old wife and mother... ya, hello reality check!!!

Yep, this is me just before I met Sammi (note how I work with fitness models... YIKES!) lol
I'm the short, round one in case you were wondering! ;) hahaha

Have any of you out there gotten to the point where you're sick and tired of being sick and tired? Well that's what happened to me!

It was at this point where my mind and body finally clicked together, that I was willing to make a change.
As it always does, the Universe (yes, I believe in the Universe and it's ability to give you exactly what you need, when you need it!) like I was saying, the Universe brought me together with Sandra Compton.

I could go on and on about Sammi (Sandra lol) and over the next 12 weeks I will!
Sammi and I met for a coffee date and after an instant click and many tears I hired her as my personal trainer. That was September 2010. From that date to present (May 2011) I've gone from 239lbs to 186lbs... a 53lb loss! Great accomplishment, but not my end goal.
I'm still overweight but FAR better off than I was 8months ago. What's funny about all this is I can remember when I would have been ecstatic about weighing 186... now it's just a reminder that I'm halfway there and that I CAN accomplish so much more that I ever dreamed!

And this is where the second part of my journey begins...

Stay tuned and hugs... Crystal xo