Sunday, December 30, 2012

The Holiday Wind Down...

Hey Everyone!

While I may be a tad late to wish you all a Merry Christmas, it's not too late for a Happy Holiday or a Happy New Year!!!

Not posting a specific Christmas blog was actually on purpose! lol (seriously, I considered it and decided to do something a little different).

I am a self proclaimed Christmas fanatic... I love everything about the season! This includes the snow (or in our case lack of :( this year until Boxing day).
Crowds, craziness and alike add to the fun for me, yep I know it's not for everyone but I really do love it all!

This year for some reason I felt an absence of excitement. Maybe it was because this is the first Christmas without my Dad? Maybe the lack of snow which I love so much? Regardless, I found myself forcing the whole Christmas feeling much of the time.
Regardless of the reason, I decided to keep my "holiday" blog until closer to New Year.
Don't get me wrong, Christmas was great. Time spent with friends and family was much needed and appreciated.

Now back to my blog! lol

If you turn on any tv channel or radio station you'll notice a trend... lists! Top 10 moments, sports plays, songs, movies etc. etc.

Sooooo, who am I to mess with a good thing?! Lol

I have decided to compile a partial list of some of my favourite moments of 2012!!! Notice I said PARTIAL!!! :P and in NO particular order!

Sidney breaking her first board!!! lol
Pretty EPIC moment at the Chinese New Year celebration :)

The birth of my niece Elliott :) seen here with my niece Pea (Payton).

Seeing PITBULL in concert!!!! 

Experiencing the Arnolds Sports fest with some AMAZING people!!!

Helping to build a Habitat house :)

Finally getting my chandelier tattoo!!! 

All of the amazing and inspiring friends I have met! 

Some of my favourite memories (work wise) come from being part of my Brides wedding day and this year was no exception! 
It would make for an insanely long blog to post all my weddings/events from 2012 but here is a couple of highlights ;)

Clearly not a wedding but such an incredible honour to get my Coach and friend ready for a photo shoot!

Getting longtime friend and fellow boot camper Trixie ready for her wedding!

And last but certainly not least... one of my BFF's Vicki :)
Getting Vicki ready for her big day was a blessing and highlight of my year!

So there you have it folks! While I'm sure I've left out a bunch of awesomeness, this is just a taste of the greatness that 2012 brought!

It is so easy to dwell on the past and the sadness or heartbreak it may have brought.
I could sit here and label 2012 as the year I lost my Dad... that is true BUT what good does it serve to blanket a year in one sadness when so much happiness was felt as well?!
At least that's how I'm choosing to look at it all :)

So now what? 
Well this is probably the part where I'm supposed to blurt out a bunch of resolutions for 2013 right? lol
Giving much thought to resolutions has left me with one definite... keep on keeping on! 
That's all I've got for right now and that is perfectly fine with me. :)

In the words of my Poppy (my Dads father).. "Be happy". Sounds like a good plan to me and I wish the same for you all! ;)

Until next time, 

Happy New Year Hugs...

-Crystal :) xo

Monday, December 3, 2012

Holiday Cravings!!!

Hey Everyone!

I bet many of you are feeling the same, Holiday treats EVERYWHERE!!! What's a girl (or boy lol) to do?!?!

My holiday cravings fall into two very specific categories...

1. Chocolate

2. Cinnamon/Spice (I include fruitcake in this category, I love fruitcake... don't judge!) ;)

I will leave the topic of chocolate alone... for now :P (I will address that in another blog)

Now cinnamon...Mmmmmmmm....cinnamon!!!

Nothing feels more like Christmas and the Holidays to me then the smell, and better yet, taste... of cinnamon!

Great bonus of this wonderful spice is that it has a whack load of health benefits!

Check out this (partial) list...

* regulates blood sugar and suppresses hunger
* helps lower bad LDL Cholesterol
* shown to help decrease pain associated with arthritis
* may help to decrease signs of neurodegenerative diseases like Alzheimer's
* aids in minimizing menstrual pains (this does NOT mean go eat a Cinnamon Bun and skip your cramps!) lol

Ok, so Cinnamon is awesome!
What next? Step away from the baked goods!!!

There are super simple ways to get the same riboflavin (my fancy word for taste ;) without killing your entire week of dieting efforts.

Try adding cinnamon and maybe a little stevia or honey to your greek yogurt, for instance.

Because I AM a BeautyFit girl, the new Sin-o-bun BeautyWhey is a staple for me.
It really is kind of ridiculous that it tastes so good! lol No complaints here though!!!

So this is my favourite oatmeal!! 
May not look like much but I would take someone down if they stood between me and this bowl of goodness!!!

The recipe is so difficult that your head may explode...

1/2cup dry oatmeal (not instant)
water to cover plus a little more
put it in a microwave safe bowl
nuke for 3min
add 1 scoop sin-o-bun BeautyWhey
stir... eat

WHOA BABY!!!! ;) It tastes like oatmeal cookie dough!

If you're looking for something on the frozen treat side, try this...

This is the closest thing to drinking pumpkin pie!!! Mmmmmm!!!

In a blender combine 1 scoop Sin-o-Bun BeautyWhey with 3 cubes of frozen pumpkin puree (incase you missed that blog, I freeze pumpkin puree in ice cube trays).
Add approx 6oz - 8oz of water and blend.
That's it!!! 

So between these two quick fixes, I have my cinnamon/spice craving covered!!! ;) 

Don't get me wrong, I'm not a robot, sometimes a girl just needs...

(Insane yummy Fruitcake made by my friend Lindsey!) 

Remember the whole dieting/eating clean and healthy throughout the holidays thing is NOT rocket science. Just remember...

Til next time...

Fruitcake hugs... Crystal :) xo