Thursday, June 30, 2011

What a WEEK!!!

Hi All!

While we're so used to starting our weeks on Sunday or Monday (depending on your mind set lol) I have been running on the mentality of one day at a time. This means that by the time I stop to look up and take inventory of what I've been doing...a few days have passed and SO much has happened!!!

First... let me fill you in on my last "Fun Friday" lol :s
Let me buffer by saying that I really DO love Lisa (awesome trainer from World Gym Kitchener) she's just a little crazy! hehehe
"Fun Friday" was an insane circuit of 13 exercises that I repeated 5 times... never mind the stop watch! lol My first "go round" was timed at 5min my amazement, each round I got a faster time! my last circuit was timed at.. 4min17sec!!!
HOLY MOLY!!! :D That was insanely hard but felt AMAZING to accomplish! Here I thought "WOW, what a way to end Fun Friday... great feat accomplished! Hahahahaaaa... NOT DONE YET! 10min of intervals on the elusive stair mill had me sweating like someone had turned on the faucet! Eeewwwwww! Lol Seriously, I could barely speak but when I could, I was apologizing to Lisa for sweating so much LOL.
Because I am now one of those sick individuals that likes to push their boundries and limits, I also came back for a BeautyFit Boot Camp Blitz later that same day!!! Man was that fun! It really was fun with all the ladies and the people honking at us as they drove by lol... I was just completely spent afterwards (but man did I feel like I could take on anything... as long as I didn't have to run ;)

Tuesday had me seeing Rebecca from World Gym Kitchener for my nutrition and weigh in/measurements... I always get a little stressed when it comes to this time. I know that there will be results, I know I've done exactly what needs to be done to get them... I have amazing coaches and support all around me... so when I step on the scale and Rebecca says.... your down 8lbs!!! Woohoo! That makes me feel great!!!
Here's the low down on my measurements too :)...

Chest: 42.25" -.75"
Waist: 34.75" -.25"
Hips: 40.5" -1.75"
Thigh: 25" -.5"
Calf: 16.5" -.25"
Bicep: 13" -.5"
Total inches: -4"

Total inches lost to date: -11.0" Total lbs. lost to date: -15.8lbs.

Until next time :)

170.6lb hugs... Crystal :) xo

Monday, June 27, 2011

Motivational Reading :)

Hi All :)

Just a quick note in response to all the lovely ladies asking where I find motivation...
My greatest motivation, as it is for most Moms, is my daughter!
At my starting weight of 239lbs I had zero motivation to do anything for myself, however, as parents know... you'll do anything for your child! In the sobering words of Dr.Phil (speaking to an obese father of 2)"if you're willing to die for your children, why aren't you willing to live for them?"
That is where my motivation began. I remember early on working one on one with Sammi, she would say "until you realize that you're worth the effort, do it for Sidney".
That's exactly what I did until I came to realize that I AM worth ALL this effort!
Of course I still have my family to motivate me but I now I also look to great magazines to help me see the big picture!

I remember the first time I read an "Off the Couch" issue of Oxygen magazine (they have the BEST collectors editions) and saw the amazing before and after photos and stories.
Some of these women were the same size as me, some larger. Seeing the outcome of their determination and hard work helped me to really understand that it IS possible!!!
I can't imagine how many times Sam refrained from an "I told you so" every time I would show her a new before and after story I'd found lol.

If you are reading this wanting to make a change or are needing encouragement to stick with your journey, please, please!!! do some of the following...
join a class or boot camp (like BeautyFit boot camp ;)tons of support just waiting for you!... ask around at your gym for those that have made big lifestyle changes and are willing to share their story... join an online forum like the one at oxygen magazine for support... and last but not least... email me :)

Til next time...

Get off the couch and give me a hug!!! ... Crystal :) xo

Tuesday, June 21, 2011

Hi Everyone!

While this blog is dedicated to my personal 12 week BeautyFit challenge, I absolutely had to share with you all the huge victory of my friend and fellow BeautyFit challenge participant.... Jenna!

While many of you have read my past blog about my struggles with running... I have been so inspired by Jenna who has been working her butt off and just completed her very first 5k race at the Waterloo Classic this past Sunday!!!

I was so happy to surprise her at the finish line with Sam (like we would EVER miss this!!!) the following hug in sued and many tears were shed... all happy, proud tears! Like I had just watched my "sister" take on the dragon and kick its ass!!! lol
And how cute is Sheryl(one of our fave running gurus)watching us! :)

And here she is... beautiful Jenna! With her medal and BeautyFit tank... not to mention the glow of a woman that has proven to herself that she can truly do ANYTHING!!!

In a time where each day brings me new challenges to face, I need only to look around and within to find the inspiration and motivation to move onward and upward!!!

Way to go Jenna... you did this for you!!! and in the process, inspired many others (including me!!!). Can't wait to be at the starting line with you soon!!!

Proud and Inspired hugs... Crystal:) xo

p.s. don't forget to to follow Jennas' blog also through the BeautyFit website!

Wednesday, June 15, 2011

Cha cha changes! ;)

Hi Everyone!

I've been doing a lot of thinking the last couple of days about how I've changed in just the last 6 weeks ( I can't believe I'm halfway through the challenge!).

I'm sure there are many changes I still don't see or maybe understand yet BUT, here is a list of things (mental and physical) that have definitely changed for the better...

1. I wear tank tops in public!!! :D
This is a pretty liberating one! I cannot remember a time in recent history that I wore a tank top for anything other than sleeping in. That includes the hottest of summer days, I would normally just suffer. Not this year!!! My arms are bare for all the world to see AND I'll even strike a bodybuilder pose if you ask! lol ;)

2. I paid actual money for spandex capris! lol
I love them! You will find me most days in my awesome gym pants (and tank top ;) usually because I'm heading to, or have just been to the gym. The other reason is because clothing is lasting me an average of 2 weeks before things are getting too big! I'm excited to say that I will be adding a pair of lulu's to my closet once I hit my next goal :)

3. I'm getting some pretty sweet muscles!
Oh ya I said it!!! ;D I can actually see definition in my shoulders and biceps (and I'd freakin better after all the work Sam and Lisa have me doing! hahaha) not to mention my calves! Holy moly... totally impressive lol

4. Energy!!!
Wow what a difference! Don't get me wrong, I am still beat at the end of the day, but I have such a different pace now. It take so much more to exhaust me!
Getting up at 6am is not a chore, I enjoy my quiet mornings to myself before the craziness of my day begins.
When the end of the day gets closer, I'm tired because I've worked, trained and done house and family stuff. I am no longer exhausted from just carrying my body weight around.

These changes may not seem like much but for me, they are HUGE!!!
These "little" changes are all adding up to a very big difference in my overall lifestyle. I have always been an optimist but for the first time in a very long time I'm optimistic and excited about Me!

Bare armed Hugs... Crystal :) xo

Tuesday, June 14, 2011

Week 5 Food Challenges... :P

Hello Again!

One thing about writing about this whole process, is that I want to be completely real with you all! What's the point otherwise?!

Week 5 was not only the most physically challenging, but also the most mentally challenging where my food was concerned.
This had nothing to do with feeling deprived (yet lol, I'm sure it'll come) but with small things in everyday life. Things I didn't really think about because I was so focused on the task at hand.

For instance, I went to Medieval Times with my Daughters class this past week... I made sure to have my breakfast and then a meal right before we left for Toronto. Because of rules etc. I wasn't able to bring food with me, and realistically this is something I am going to have to be ok with and know how to deal.
So off we go... I have an idea of whats on the menu so I'm not surprised to see the roasted chicken pieces being dished out lol... no biggie, remove the skin and yum a yum! The garlic bread that came before it was harder to resist however ( BUT I did!!!! yay!!!) it just smelled so good and was that really great pasty white bread that goes straight to your ass and sticks to the roof of your mouth.
Then comes the potatoes, they are roasted and don't look greasy so I have one. Not too bad... I hope! Corn on the cob... pass... Jeebus I'm still hungry! Sidney (my daughter) didn't finish all her chicken!!! YOIINK!!! lol Saved by the chicken and not too soon cause here comes the apple pie! Aaahhhh crap!!! I think to myself " it not like this is cheesecake" great point! that would be soooo much harder.... no thanks to the apple pie... another small victory!!!
I return home without incident and eat a meal as soon as I get in the house.

So why was this so difficult? Well it wasn't because the food was so amazing that I couldn't resist, it was more of a mind game... its a special day, its just one meal, not something I eat all the time... all of these things would have been my excuse not too long ago.
To be quite honest, I could've eaten everything there because I am now allowed 1 "free" meal per week... BUT I am very choosy about what I am using a freebie on!!! lol I am not wasting it on something thats just "ok".
Sometimes the mind game is the hardest, no one but me would've known... and thats enough for me. In the end, it is up to me because this is about ME. Simple but true. :)

HUZZAH hugs... Crystal :) xo

Sunday, June 12, 2011

Push, pull, TRX and "leaning" on Friends!

Hi All :)

Wow...What a week!!! :P

This past 7 days has been the most challenging yet... though I'm very sure I'll be saying that many more times before the end of my 12 weeks!

My favourite weight training ninja Lisa introduced "push" and "pull" days which apparently is going to be the theme for the next couple of weeks.
On these days, as you can guess, my weight training revolves around either pushing weights away from my body OR pulling weight towards my body.
For instance, on push day I do hack squats... they may sound funny but you won't catch ME laughing... YIKES! I love to hate hack squats. They are hard as hack (haha I made a funny!) and make me walk funny for at least a day BUT they get me one step closer to the "pitbull video girl" booty I hope to have at some point! LOL
Now, on pull day... it's aductors :0... if you're not familiar with these, then just imagine sitting in something like an ObGyn chair (I am not even making this up!!!) lol and squeezing your thighs together with like 80lbs attached!!! I know! My first reaction was WTH?! lol Is that possible?! Turns out that it IS possible...even with 3 sets of 12! Holy Moly it's amazing when you do something you had no idea you were capable of. And note to my hubby to be for warned about my impressive inner thigh strength! hahaha
That's just a couple of examples of what I do on those days BUT training is a full hour and Lisa is creative ;) By the end of an hour I am side stepping down the stairs and thinking about Alieve and a hot bath but, I do love the feeling!

So, now that you've got an idea of what a killer workout I get on push/pull days... imagine my face when I walk into BeautyFit boot camp to see bizarre straps hanging from the ceiling?! Oh Jeebus!

Turns out that these straps are known as a TRX system... they are designed for you to use your body weight as resistance while doing various awkward looking exercises (Sam makes it look easy, however I manage to look like a cat stuck in a tree :P).
I would urge any of you that have never seen a TRX workout to do a youtube search and check it out. Then imagine a room full of women at various fitness levels learning the basics.... GOOD TIMES!!! hahaha
It was an absolute testament to the amount of trust we all have in Sam, to hook our feet in and just go for it!!!

Now while I'm on the subject of trust... it's one thing for me to be going through this transformation by exercising, eating clean etc. All of these things require me to "carry my own weight" so to speak. While my weight is no secret during this process, knowing the number 178lbs and actually feeling the weight of it are two vastly different things.
This gave me big time anxiety when, in boot camp, we paired up and had to do the most frightening push ups ever! I say frightening for 2 reasons, first... I am not yet very good at military push ups and second... and most importantly... I had to do said push ups while my partner Beth (who is tall, thin and unbelievably kind) was in a high plank position and my feet were on her butt!!! I KNOW!!!!! I admit to almost crying at the thought of burdening Beth with my weight and also to apologizing profusely before and after... but she is a trooper!

I can honestly say that this entire week has been a challenge in every way (more to come about my past weeks food challenges)...

'til next time...

Hanging upside down hugs... Crystal :) xo

Monday, June 6, 2011

My "Insurance Policy" :)

Hey All!

I want to start introducing you all to the amazing BeautyFit products that I am using... after all, whats a BeautyFit transformation without BeautyFit products and supplements?! lol

To choose one product as my favorite is just impossible cause I love them all for different reasons! That's why I began with BeautyBum... it is the product that is helping me with one of my biggest fears... hanging/loose skin.

I am going to tell you about why I love it... I'm not a scientist, that's what Jimmy and his R&D team are for, so if you want that info then follow this link...

So... onto why I love BeautyBum! Like I said, I am very fearful of the thought of loose skin after i reach my weight loss goals. I do appreciate that this will be an ongoing process will get worse before it gets better. I just believe its proactive to have a "helping hand" in this situation! lol Seriously, what girl is going to turn down a product that firms, tightens, moisturizes and improves the overall feel and texture of your skin?!?! Sign me up!!! ;)
It's like my little weapon that blasts my big puffy marshmallow cellulite into small mini marshmallow cellulite so they can break down easier! I'm down with that kind of weaponry! lol

Where do you use it? On ALL my flubbery bits.... this is NOT just for bums! I put it on my butt, thighs, stomach and chicken wing portion of my arms. Just remember, for the love of all thats holy, to wash your hands after!!! Why? Cause it gets toasty warm and tingles! :) Don't worry that you'll turn bright red wherever you've put it cause that means its working!!! You just don't want that on your face or in your eyes :P (side note, its a great "seat warmer" in the winter :).

I have definitely noticed a BIG difference in the texture and firmness of my skin,especially in my thighs and bum....wooooohooooo! ;D

BeautyBum comes with a HUGE recommend from me...LOVE IT and it gives me some peace of mind that I'm doing everything possible to combat the loose skin issue!

Warm and tingly Hugs.... Crystal :) xo

Thursday, June 2, 2011

Boot Camp and Food for Thought :)

Hey All :)

I've been getting some amazing feedback from you all regarding this 12 week BeautyFit challenge, so I wanted to start by thanking you all for your amazing support and for taking time out of your day to send me words of encouragement!

That being said, I have also gotten some really funny comments and personal messages asking if I'm insane for "putting myself through this boot camp thing" LOL I don't take these comments as negative because a year ago, I would have said the same thing! :P

The idea of willingly and enthusiastically signing up for an unequivocal ass kicking really didn't make sense to me.
Now lets put this into perspective... doing intense hard core exercise to strengthen my body and mind is insane BUT doing intense hard core eating of any damn thing in front of me and zero physical activity to help to shorten my life span... thats acceptable! lol Yep... priorities a little mixed up!

Please don' t get me wrong people, I LOVE food!!! and always will (little known fact, I graduated with honors from culinary college.... ya, like I said, LOVE food and I know how to make it with lots of butter!!!).

So back to priorities... Sandra and Jimmy hit it home for me regarding food, they simply said... "it will always be there". WHAT?!?! That little sentence was like an epiphany where the heavens opened up and angels sang.....*aaaahhhhhhh* (true story people) lol
I assumed, in my fun little brain that if I didn't eat that wonderful looking thing in front of me.... it was gone FOREVER!!!!
So we've established that delicious food isn't going anywhere... and am I really enjoying it if I eat it ALL the time?!... hmmmmm.... dilemma!!!
So as all this great information began to "click" in my brain, it made sense to me that maybe I'll enjoy and appreciate the "little" things more if I really take the time to create some balance! (and isn't that just true for all important things in life? :)

Now to address my mental stability for doing these boot camps lol... I would have to say YES, I'm insane but I've got plenty of company and I'm LOVING it!!! To quote a song from P!NK... "if you are wrong, in all the right ways" hehehe
BeautyFit boot camp is unlike anything I have ever done before or even heard of before! It is something truly unique and life changing my humble opinion lol
The idea that not that long ago 1 "burpee" would cause me to feel light headed and make my knees scream and just last night I nailed out 50 of them.... well that's just the best kind of insanity right there!!!
Then there's the support system... WOWZA! and it's not just Sam (Sandra) cheering you on, it's the whole class! You want to talk about diversity in women, we've got all shapes, sizes, ages and fitness levels BUT we're all there for a common goal of self improvement and in the process, we help each other immeasurably!
Call us crazy if you want but then run for it, cause there are lots of us and we're wicked fast now;)

Want more info...

Until next time...

Hugs from the Crazy Train.... -Crystal :) xo

New Choice for Conscience Eaters!

Hi All :)

Keeping things really short with this one...

I just read about this new "on the go" food place in Uptown Waterloo...
Thanks so much Sophie from 91.5 the beat for blogging about this :)

Here's the link...

Hope this gives you all a healthier option for your quick meals on the go!

Real happy meal Hugs... Crystal :) xo