Hi Everyone! :)
I am going to apologize in advance to any that I may offend... lol
The one question that I'm asked most often about my weight loss is.... you guessed it, "How did you do it?".
Well since you read my blog, you already know the answer! For those who ask, my new standard answer has become... "the two things no one wants to hear... diet and exercise!".
Sad but true. When I'm asked how achieved a 90+ lbs weight loss, people literally glaze over as soon as I mention the words diet and exercise.
Don't misunderstand, I was one of those people for the majority of my life. There must be an easier way, some soup, bar or shake that will make me thin and therefore make me happy! Yaaaaa.... NOPE! lol
You really can't blame people though, the result of millions of marketing dollars are all around us! Drink this and be thin, eat only watermelon and cabbage and have a killer body... (if thats all I ate there would be a whole lot of dead bodies around me, I'd be a raving b#*ch) hahaha.
I'm quite sure that if I drank the majority of my meals, ate only one type of food or just plain didn't eat at all, I would lose weight...probably lots of weight.... until I stopped. Then, what do you think happens? It comes back plus extra!
Worse still is the notion that companies promoting a healthy weight/lifestyle actually frown upon exercise or tell you its not needed?!?! Really?!
This is where the idea of common sense and balance comes into play. My entire weightloss has been geared around making sustainable lifestyle changes. Clean eating (its called clean eating cause I get to actually chew my meals, not drink them all) exercise (including cardio and weight training) and high quality supplements (supplements enhance results, they don't do the work for you) are the foundation of my success.
I was also blessed to find a trainer and coach that didn't buy into BS and truly believes anything worth having is worth working damn hard for!!!
Here I go... I went and said it lol HARD WORK.... it is NOT easy!!! If it was, there would be a whole lot of marketing people out of work lol.
So, if all of this is such hard work... why do it?!?! Because it's so friggin worth it!!!
The first time I made it through a full hour training, the first time I did a military pushup, the first time I did sprints on the treadmill, chest pressed 25's, did 15 reps on the captains chair, ran 5k.... the list is much longer... every sweaty day was well worth the knowledge that I can... and I did!
It really is not complicated... we just make it that way. Get up, move, eat well, repeat.... you'll be floored by the results ;)
Common sense hugs... Crystal :) xo
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