While many of you who know me or follow me on facebook already know, as of Dec 31 I hit my 100lb weight loss! What a great way to end 2011!!! :D
So as the saying goes... the proof is in the pudding (or oatmeal in my case)...
I cannot even describe to you how I felt seeing this number on the scale. :)
Lets just say there were tears... lots of tears.
Lets just say there were tears... lots of tears.
I have spent easily 95% of my entire life being overweight, this is the lightest I have been since about grade 7... yes, you read that right. There was a very brief period in grade 9 where I battled with an eating disorder and went down to 105lbs... that accounts for that other 5% of my life.
So when I talk to women (and men) about the struggles of being overweight, I am talking from experience... I HAVE been there and experienced it all. The name calling, low self esteem, rude looks, low self esteem... oh right I said that all ready.
In the end, it was my self esteem that took the beating as much as my body. The feeling of absolute hopelessness... like I was a less valuable person because of my weight. (This was never true but that's how I felt).
To give you an idea of how I felt in my body at 241lbs, I'm going to share a great visual from one of my favourite movies... Wall E!
See how the little people keep getting fatter and their bones more padded? Well the last one one the right is exactly how I felt!!! Extreme? Not to me. Honestly... that's how I felt.
(I apologize for the quality of the screen shot but you get the idea! :P)
To be able to feel the definition of my bone structure, muscles etc. underneath my skin still amuses me!!!
So, here is an updated photo for you all...
And now to tackle the "big" questions that I get asked.....
Am I done losing weight now? The answer is no :)
While I am over the moon happy with what I have acheived so far, remember... I am 4' 11". While I know that I look "normal" and even "thin" to those who are used to seeing me, I still have a little bit of weight to drop.
More improtantly... I have toning, strengthening and compacting to do. I have an hour glass shape, I am "curvy" period. I love the look of a feminine shape... (like the curvy ladies in Pitbull videos!!! lol).
The next question... "So you don't have to watch what you eat ALL the time now, right?"
I'm going to answer that by showing you a photo of my breakfast...
Egg whites with salsa, oatmeal with blueberries. lol Were you expectiong chocolate chip pancakes? :P
Seriously though, I am completely happy eating a clean and balanced diet. If I eat something that's "off diet" I make up for it in the gym!
Last question.... "How do I lose (whatever weight)?
Well... first ask yourself if that's what you really want? Sounds silly? Who wouldn't want to lose weight?!
I tried losing weight so many times... too many to count.
It wasn't until I got sick and tired of being sick and tired, that it all started making sense to me. I had to hit absolute physical rock bottom... I was a mess.
So lets stop here for right now... you know how I began and where I currently am.
Consider this homework ;)
Take this time to evaluate how you feel about changing because believe me, it's not easy.
It's a ton of work, it will test all your limits and most of all... it's completely worth it!
Once you've decided... the next step will present itself :)
Til next time...
100lbs lighter (but still big) hugs... Crystal :) xo
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