Hi Everyone,
So the last time I wrote about "How to Lose 100lbs" I ended with posing the question…how bad do you want to make a change?
I hope you’ve really thought about it, because part 2 is where you’re going to put it to the test!
A few days ago, I asked Sam (Sandra) what the "hardest" part about training me was when I first started. Her answer surprised me…
I thought she was going to say something about all my "limitations" of being so overweight. I honestly thought she’d file me under lost causes after our first training session :P
Instead, Sam said that the hardest thing about training me (or I’m sure anyone, for that matter) is what I did the other 23 hours I wasn’t with her.
Hmmmm…. Made you think huh!? Lol
Lets be honest here, I remember one of my big excuses being that I had no idea what to eat!… Really?! I’m pretty sure I know what not to eat! (quote from Jimmy Mentis himself lol).
I can do exactly what I’m told for one hour of training but if I follow it up with a cheeseburger… what good is that? Add insult to injury, it’s the trainer that gets s#!t on when the client doesn’t see results.
Wow… that was harsh! But totally true ;)
If I sound like I’m on the proverbial soap box, I don’t mean to honestly! Lol Truth is I was that person for a VERY long time! Starting a new "diet" or exercise routine or whatever. I never achieved my goals because I wasn’t really ready. Ready to do EXACTLY what needed to be done to get the results I wanted.
Sam told me (and this is my big GOLD STAR!) that I was the "ideal" client because I listened to her… always!
I’m not looking for a pat on the back here lol
This time was different because I had made the choice that enough was enough and I was READY.
If it meant getting up an hour earlier to train… OK
If it meant skipping lunch with friends… OK
If it meant cooking separate meals from my family… OK
If it meant making a sacrifice now for a result later… OK
In the words of Coach Compton (Sam)… "the food will always be there" lol.
Cheesecake is not going to go extinct right before I reach my weight loss goal! Hehehe
So here’s the next step for you…. If you’ve decided that you’re really ready.
Commit to what you’re choosing to do!
If it’s the gym, boot camp, a trainer, weight watchers… whatever! DO IT!!!
If you’ve hired someone… listen to them… see what happens when you honestly give it your 100%!!! No more, no less!
Something that I heard (no clue where, forgive me if I’ve used it before lol) that really stuck with me is that… time is going to pass regardless of what you do… so why not use that time to your advantage and each day get one step closer to where you want to be.
I’ll keep you posted on my "bootylicious" progress!!!
Til next time…
Badonkadonk hugs... Crystal :) xo
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