So while working on a completely different blog topic, this came to me. :)
Well, let me be a little more clear... I was on Facebook (ya ya ya I know, I was suppose to be working, whatever! lol) Anyhoo, I was on FB and saw the following...
This lead me to wonder, since I am ABSOLUTELY guilty of checking in at the gym or boot camp, if these posts really do annoy the masses or more importantly... the people that follow me on FB?
To be fair, I have myself laughed at the following...
and my personal favourite... LOL
Now this is where I get all philosophical :P
IF gym, workout or similar activity check ins or status updates annoy you... why do they?
Would your irritation be lessened if you knew the reasoning behind the check in?
For example, the reason I post my workouts on FB, or possibly twitter (@crystalizedMUA) or InstaGram is not for my ego...GASP!! WHAT? How can this be?!
It seems that many are under the impression that posts or checking in are purely ego driven.
Don't get me wrong here, if I set a personal best or do something super kick a$$ I'm going to post it, its my FB after all! lol
What I'm referring to however, is the main reason I do what I do... to maybe, possibly inspire others :)
That's it, that's all (except maybe to also let my trainer know that I'm actually there lol).
Everyone is busy. Everyone leads a hectic and chaotic life with work, home, family, errands etc etc.
I know what it feels like to use every one of those excuses... for far too long!
In my humble opinion, if I can do something as simple as check into the gym regardless of how many it annoys... and 1 person says to themselves "hey, if she can figure it out so can I" pardon my bluntness but I'll take your annoyance anytime! ;)
The bigger question, and maybe I'm walking dangerous territory here... is why it bothers you?
Before you are so quick to roll your eyes at yet another post about the gym, training, whatever. Stop and think... is it the post about someone going to the gym that bothers me? or the fact that I haven't gone in ages?
I'm gonna duck now for the hate mail I'm bound to get!!! Hahahaa
Just please keep in mind that while a post might make you roll your eyes... it could very well be the post that opens someone else's. :)
Till next time,
"Checking in from my dining room table" hugs...
-Crystal :) xo
Hey Crystal,
ReplyDeleteIt probably only annoys the people that SHOULD be getting to the gym themselves. Keep up the great work! And keep on checking in, I have found that my check-ins or pictures or updates have helped to inspire others on their own journeys of health and fitness.
Stay Strong!