Monday, April 29, 2013

Just in time, I'm suddenly feeling Super ;)

Hey Everyone!

So hot off the heels of my last blog, something happens to help me see the proverbial "light".

I had one of those Ah Ha moments today.

It was an early start today with work.
For those who don't know, I'm a makeup artist/production stylist & manager/little bit o everything needed. lol
Like I said, it was an early start today. We (the crew of the short film I'm working on) were setting out on a location scout, looking for cliffs, escarpments and the perfect forested areas for shooting some of the key scenes of Suddenly Super (that's the name of the film if you hadn't guessed! ;)

So this outing took us, you guessed it, hiking! Good old muddy, damp bushwhacking!!! hahaha

Feel free to reference Stand by Me lol 

It took all of about 5min for the majority of us to get soakers!
Gotta love that squishy feet sound! :P

When I say we went on a hike, I seriously mean we went hiking!!! I'm going to ballpark our excursion at about 3k... I could be off but we were out there for an hour and a half doing some serious trekking!  

Notice my new buddy Thomas helping guide me through the incline :)

Ok, so you're wondering when my AH HA moment came?
Well it was around the time we came to the top of one of the cliffs.
There we are... Myself and the crew Scott, Ange, Derek, Andy, Erik and Thomas checking out the beautiful surroundings and it hits me... there was a time, not too long ago, that I could have never made that trek! No way in hell. Period.
I think I said something to either Scott or Derek, as they've known me "before and after". I said to one of them "I'm really glad I'm not still fat". I know I said it jokingly at the time... truth is I was pretty close to losing it right there.
The realization, that I would've turned down the opportunity to work on such a cool project, because of my weight was a pretty big slap in the face.
How many other opportunities, projects or just plain cool things had I disregarded or lost out on experiencing?!

Well, not this one! 

Self esteem and confidence are things that I struggle with daily but today I had a little "wow" moment just for me. 
A moment that made me see the actual hills and rocks that I was able to climb, the physical things that were in my way that I navigated around and through and when needed, a hand from a friend or two to steady me incase I lost my footing. 
Metaphors of my journey being played out right before my eyes.
Sometimes we miss embracing the memories as they happen, only to have the flashbacks later. Today I was really in the moment. Obviously needing the message it was sending me.

In the true fashion of life imitating art for a brief moment, like the film we're making, I was suddenly super. 


Til next time...

Super hugs... Crystal :) xo

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