Friday, August 3, 2012

Cheesecake anyone?!

Hey Everyone!

I can't believe I totally forgot to post this for you all to see!!! lol I started it way back in March and it must have gotten lost in the mix :( 

Well better late than never!!!

Below you will find a photo of me that was taken by a dear friend of mine Vicki when we ventured off to see her all time favourite group... HANSON in Buffalo, NY (Yes I said Hanson! They're amazing in concert BTW!).

We ended up at Cheesecake Factory cause really, why wouldn't you?! lol
The funny thing about this photo is that it was taken about 2 weeks before I met Sandra "Coach" Compton. The rest you could say is history! lol

Now... Fast forward a year and a half later....

Here I am once again at the Cheesecake Factory after the Arnolds Sports weekend in Ohio!
This photo was taken by Jimmy the BeautyFit man after I showed him the above photo (which was the last time I was at CCF).
He quickly commented on how I had even shrunk in height... I attribute that to the loss of my "booster seat" LOL!!!

On the days that I feel like I still have so far to go, I stop to take a moment and try to really remember how far I've come.
There are many like me, that have overcome severe obesity and many many more that don't think it's possible for them.

I was one of those... one of the millions who had almost thrown in the towel thinking I was just destined to be fat with a nice personality. I say ALMOST cause clearly... I have lots of fight left in me ;)

It's different for everyone, the catalyst or moment you realize that being obese isn't who you are... it doesn't define you or in my case, become a really convenient reason to hide in the shadows or be less successful than I want to be.
When you get to "that" point, you'll know it and feel it... and when you've decided enough is enough, for real this time... just know that it CAN be done. Not overnight and not using a gimmick...

Til next time...

What starts with Cheesecake... ends with the treadmill ;)

Hugs... Crystal :) xo


Here's some Hanson for you all! Dedicated to Vicki ;)

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