Saturday, May 14, 2011

Week 1 in review AND Weigh In!!!

Week 1 of the BeautyFit 12 week Transformation is DONE!

WOWZA... This has been an intense week!!!

Want to know what my training was like this week?!
Here it goes:

Monday - First weight training session with my fabulous trainer Lisa of World Gym Kitchener! She put me through an overall training assessment which I'm sure will be the easiest thing she EVER gets me to do! I adore her already :)

Tuesday - BeautyFit Boot Camp w/ Sandra Compton!
I've described this boot camp as "the hardest you'll ever work without delivering a baby at the end" and that coming from someone who has experienced natural child birth! Why? You may ask... Cause it is the absolute BEST feeling to make it to the end of that class! I prove something new to myself EVERY time, like the wicked long plank I held this week!!! Planks are WAY harder when your "front bum" is too small to help you stay up! :P

Wednesday - Weight training with Lisa! This was no "assessment" lol wall squats, walking lunges and a complete body workout! I love it when Lisa counts down and I hear "just 2 more"!!! BTW... Lisa's a runner! FOR FUN!!! Cause she LIKES IT?!?! For real! This may rub off on me... I'm scared! Lol Finished up with a 500cal burn on the elliptical in 49:01min.

Thursday - BeautyFit Boot Camp w/ Sammi!
This was a special sort of a$$ kicking that I cannot fully describe as my mind has repressed much of it! Lmao I vaguely remember a never ending training circuit, burpies and vomiting in my mouth! Ewwwww! Lol BUT... I was standing long enough to do 15min of extra cardio at the end! Our boot camp team is fantastic... That's right, we're a TEAM!!! We struggle and succeed TOGETHER!

Friday - Nutritional consult #2 and WEIGH IN!!! With Rebecca!
Rebecca (from World Gym Kitchener) is awesome! I couldn't even look at the scale... I waited for her to tell me how I did! *DRUMROLL*...... -5lbs!!! Woooohooooo! I wasn't sure if this was good enough but Rebecca was smiling so I considered that a good sign! Lol I know that this probably won't be a typical weekly loss, but its a great jump start!!!
We went over my food journal (I'll write more about that later) and my new "poker chip" method for counting my servings! I still need to work on getting my water in, this has always been a struggle for me! On the bright side, if I'm going to be spending that much time in the bathroom, its going to be redecorated!!! ;) Did 30 min (300cal) on the elliptical, I was starving and needed a shake! :P

Saturday - Burn 600cal on the Elliptical!
Why 600? Well, cause I was there with Sammi and decided to do a full hour! Lol it definitely helps when you have a cardio partner!!!

Tomorrow is my "day off" from training ONLY! My eating will stay clean and on track! :)

181 lb Hugs... Crystal xo


  1. wow Crystal I am tired just reading how much you did this week!!!!!!! Way to go keep it up!!!!!!!

  2. Crystal I am so happy and so proud of you!! You ROCK girl. Keep up the fabulous work! XOXO
