Tuesday, July 12, 2011

The Hardest Place to Eat Healthy!!!

Hi All! :)

I'm sure we've all been there... doing our very best to eat clean and healthy, staying focused and making the best choices possible in every situation.
Let me help you by warning you of one of the places you are just better off being prepared with your own snacks...

The Movie Theater!!! :( lol

My daughter and I (and some great girlfriends of mine) are all huge Harry Potter fans! So when we got the opportunity to be able to see ALL the Harry Potter movies on the big screen, we jumped at the chance :) Don't judge people... I love these characters and cry at the movies too lol ;)

So for 7 Mondays straight we have been seeing the entire series...

I had already begun my 12 week transformation when we started going so I was prepared to pack (and sneak in) my own snacks! lol
It wasn't until Sidney and I sat down to our first movie that I realized how horrible the movie theater food really is!!!
Even Sidney commented that there was a serious lack of healthy options lol

Poutine....really, someone sat in front of us with one and the smell nearly drove me mad! I'm not gonna lie... it smelled amazing but really look at it, it looks pretty damn gross! The smell of the salt was overwhelming and made me thirsty lol.

Popcorn with "butter", chocolate (I still love chocolate lol), candy, soda AND to make matters worse... nachos and cheese, greasy pizza and chili fries too! Your best possible hope is the fat free frozen yogurt....unless....

You're pro active and bring some goodies :)
Yep! This is what was stashed in my purse... not just my snacks, but Sidneys too... after all what kind of example is it to eat healthy but let your kids eat crap?! Don't get me wrong, treats in moderation are fine... but junk is junk! Her treat is the frozen yogurt:) We bring our own bottled water because $3/bottle is just ridiculous... and if the reason of health doesn't speak to you, think of your wallet lol. Imagine the cost of theater food... save yourself some cash AND calories... pack some goodies (I've even brought cottage cheese with berries and an ice pack lol).
If people are cool with eating poutine right beside me... they can deal with the crunch of my sugar snap peas! ;)

Expecto Patronum hugs.... Crystal :) xo (yep, told you... BIG Potter fan;) lol

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