Sunday, July 3, 2011

My BeautyFit Transformation and the products I LOVE... BeautyFuel'd!!!

Hey All! :)

I hope all of you had an awesome Canada Day!!! I did!!! :)
My Canada Day began with an 8am session that I thought was going to consist of me tackling my good ole pal... the treadmill, for some improvement on my running lol
I feel very patriotic as I bust open my BeautyFuel in its red and white bottle ;)
BeautyFuel'd and trucking it to World Gym Kitchener (listening to some Pitbull, ya not Canadian but totally gets me moving!!! ;).

So, anyhoo, I get to the gym and walk in to see Sam checking in for cardio as well... I feel a challenge coming on... the price to pay by running into Sam at the gym is a trip out of your comfort zone! LOL BTW... that is NOT a bad thing :D

Instead of my date with the treadmill I end up in a twisted cardio adventure that begins with 20min of sexy Mr.Stairmill and ends with.... *insert drumroll* ...

YEP! That's me on a spin bike!!! :P hehehe

At this point I am thanking the universe for my BeautyFuel cause that is the difference between a "meh" cardio session and an "I've been ambushed by Sammi and kicked ass" cardio session!!!
True to form, not only did I keep up with 20min of steps BUT also killed it with 20min of Spin Class 101 Compton style ;) (bless her for motivating me with Pitbull lol).

Honestly ladies, if any of you have been following my blog (thank you sooo very much btw xoxo) and have not yet tried the BeautyFit products... TRY THEM! :) There is a reason that I am doing a "BeautyFit" 12 week challenge!!! This company and its philosophy have been a part of my entire weight loss journey, not just the last 8 weeks.
At my 239lb beginning, BeautyFit has been the ONLY product and training regime that I have trusted because they are REAL! They believed in me when I didn't and the products supported each step and stage as I came to it, and still are!
A big part of the BeautyFit philosophy is to pay it forward, because to change one woman is to help change a family and communities. I feel like the least I can do is pass my experiences along to hopefully help others!:)Seriously, take the time to read all the info on the page... there are no BS promises, just reality and the willingness and expertise to help those that are truly wanting to make a change and help themselves!

What began as a regular trip to the gym became another barrier that has been busted! :)
What better way to start the day on our countries birthday?! I left the gym feeling accomplished and actually really liking he spin bike!!!

Happy and safe Canada Day long weekend to you all...(and Happy 4th of July to all my US friends)...

Spinning, spinning, spinning hugs... Crystal :)xo

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