Tuesday, July 26, 2011

Shopping with Sam 101 :)

Shopping!!! The mere thought of it puts a smile on the face of millions of women... not this one lol Unless it's shoes, purses or something that doesn't discriminate with size ;).

Clothes shopping is still a huge issue with me, most of it boils down to fear. Will things fit? Will I look stupid? What the hell do I even like? and What size am I?!
Ugh! lol
So what happens when a particular thing causes me fear and anxiety? I get called out on it and face it head on! lol

So with fear of the unknown, I venture out to stores I've only been in for friends...
Good thing Sam is with me :P

First on the list GUESS... no, don't guess! The store GUESS! lol

One of my besties is a big Guess fan, I always told her that I wanted to be small enough to fit into a Lg Tshirt there.... well..... after going straight to the shoe section out of habit, then being piled up with clothes (Sam was having WAY too much fun lol) and heading into the dressing room, not only did a lg Tshirt fit but so did jeans!!! WTH?! Needless to say Sam and I ended up in tears in the change room :P Never would I imagined that I could walk into Guess, pick up a shirt or heaven forbid, pants of all things, and actually have them FIT!!! There is a serious disturbance in the force! lmao Who is this person? Is it really me? Holy Crap!

So off to the next place (I bought the Tshirt btw)... LeChateau...
Dresses proved to be a little more challenging... to my utter surprise, a lg fit there too, however, being large chested has its own set of problems lol.
Trying to find the right "cut" or fit for a dress can be pretty tricky. Yes I have lost a large amount of weight, I have done weight training, cardio and much more... the reality is that some areas,coming from such a large size, are going to take a little longer to "respond" lets say. I'm good with it... I've made my peace with this ongoing battle and it will not get me down! lol

In the meantime, A-line dresses are the cut for me :)
Once again, a huge pile of dresses accumulated and one after another, I tried them on! The a-line was the most flattering for me and I really like the style.
Sam and I talked about something I never had thought of before, building a wardrobe!
I was used to getting a pair of dress pants and two shirts that were "ok" and switching back and forth for work. When choices are limited and you don't feel like yourself in the things you can fit into... this is the best I could do.
Now, with a brighter insight, I can shop around with much more choice and find "pieces" that I like and make a statement about who I am.... this will take some time for me but I feel so much better prepared and for once, optimistic about clothes shopping!

This dress was my (and Sams') favorite... she put this "before and after" together for me to remind me how far I've come :) We all need a little reminder now and then!
I didn't end up buying it, I might go back for it lol but with so many choices.... a girl has to keep her options open ;) lol

Guess T-Shirt hugs... Crystal :) xo

1 comment:

  1. You look fantastic Crystal!!!!!!!!!!! Way to go !!!!!!
